Get Involved

Become a member

Membership is open to anyone with a loved one who has resided at the Austin State Supported Living Center.

Volunteer to help a committee

AuSSLC Family Guardian Association forms committees to help with special projects. The time commitment will vary. Please share your special talents!

Helpful links:

Friends of AuSSLC is a non-profit organization that provides life enriching and personal growth opportunities for the residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities who call the center home.

VOR A Voice of Reason. VOR is a national organization that advocates for high quality care and human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

PART is a statewide volunteer organization, founded in 1974, comprised of families of people with IDD. We have no paid staff, and are dedicated to securing, maintaining, and improving the full continuum of educational and residential placement options for everyone in Texas with all levels of IDD.

National Council on Severe Autism Pursuing recognition, policy and solutions for the surging population of individuals, families and caregivers affected by severe forms of autism and related disorders. 

HHSC: State Supported Living Centers provides information and resources pertaining to the SSLCs in the State of Texas.

Office of the Independent Ombudsman whose responsibility is to protect the rights of people who live at SSLCs (PDF). Each state supported living center has an assistant independent ombudsman onsite to independently investigate and monitor concerns.